Organic chemistry is a rigorous study, which is one of the reasons many students find it difficult.

Students in organic chemistry must master a vast number of reactions, nomenclature, and molecular theory. At times there are derivatives involved that have no logic backed up. Hence there comes no option but to learn them. Organic chemistry involves reactions that are absurd and unpredictable, hence you again are left with no option but to learn them. Here are a few tips you can use to survive your way through chemistry.

  • Dug dip into basics:

It’s an observed behaviour that students tend to dodge the basics and move on ahead with more challenging materials. But this is where you cut out a major slice of the pie. Basics become an extremely essential and rudimental aspect of your subject.

  • List down the reactions & bonds:

List down reactions that are comprehensive and also jot down the bonds that you tend to forget. This helps you pull a photographic snapshot of the difficult bonds and reactions. If you don’t wish to fetch down the bonds, your reference books like NCERT chemistry also have the list jotted down for students.

  • Reference books:

Reference books are a major help a student can achieve outside their classroom. Books like organic chemistry Morrison and Boyd, NCERT etc. are the survival guides for aspirants to wrap up their syllabus on chemistry. These books come with a manual and notes that are tailored to students. Eventually helping them to grasp their curriculum at a great pace.

  • Understand the concepts

Memorization is, in general, a bad approach that is used when people haven’t planned ahead of time and have to cram the night before a test. Certain elements of the course, however, need memory, such as nomenclature words, reagent names and acronyms, functional groups, and so on. While some students may catch on after a few weeks of the course, others may need to rely on flashcards or other memory-based technologies to recall the course information. There’s nothing wrong with it, as long as it’s accompanied by a commitment to comprehending the underlying principles.

  • Get to Know Structure

Understand how to draw structures from a name and how to determine the number of bonds an atom hybridizes. Learning with structures helps you imagine how a real bond would look like. Imagination boosts creativity! All you need to know is how you will put your imagination on a paper with standard chemistry structure rules. Diagrams and structures are a major chunk that should help you resolve your stress tale with organic chemistry.

Last but not least, organic chemistry is sure to be a hard nut to crack. But if you sort your ways with a few of the tips aforementioned, you are sure to excel and learn curiously about organic chemistry. Moreover, bonds are difficult to understand but it has always been interesting to learn the behaviour of the same.