It is estimated that at least 1 in 10 children around the world struggle with mental health issues such as anxiety, ADHD, PTSD, depression, and other disorders. These mental health issues affect the life of a child in many ways. Apart from reducing the ability of a child to handle life’s challenges, mental health problems cause withdrawal from friends and social activities. Besides, it causes excessive fears or worries and reduced drive to achieve goals. That’s why children need a lot of support to navigate through life’s challenges, especially in today’s world. The world has changed tremendously, and it’s easy for children to develop beliefs that limit their growth in all spheres of life. By encouraging children to embrace a positive mindset, they can rise above the everyday challenges and thrive during the most difficult times. The key to supporting a child’s emotional wellbeing and mental wellness is having the best resources that are rooted in positive psychology. One of the best resources that can help you nurture your child’s emotional wellbeing is the iGROWco Sprouts affirmation cards.

iGROWco Sprouts affirmation cards utilize positive affirmations to put positive thoughts into action and eliminate negative thought patterns. When repeated many times, positive affirmations turn into reality. Having your child repeat positive affirmations will transform their energy from a young age and influence their thought processes toward positivity.  iGROWco Sprouts affirmation cards are a perfect tool for shaping the mindset of children. These cards enable children to form positive beliefs, eliminate self-limiting beliefs, build resilience, and develop a growth mindset. Like adults, children can kick-start their potential and realize their immense value by using positive affirmations. iGROWco Sprouts affirmation cardsuse a unique formula for kids to help children achieve emotional wellbeing. The formula—Affirm-Breathe-Connect (ABC) allows them to feel their emotions and feeling and connect their affirmations to their daily lives.

Affirm-Breathe-Connect (ABC)

The ABC formula involves three steps—the first step involves saying something you believe in with confidence. This step is important for your children as repeated affirmations begin to take charge of your thoughts. The second step—breathe, involves breathing in slowly and feeling your thoughts.  The last step—connect, involves connecting the positive affirmation to your own life. You can help your children write their own affirmations using the blank cards included in the 63 cards and let them express their thoughts freely.

How to use iGROWco Sprouts affirmation cards

  • Read the positive affirmations to your child during feeding and bedtime routine
  • Encourage your toddler to repeat the affirmations during playtime
  • Make reading out the affirmations part of your child’s morning and bedtime routine
  • Make the cards part of special family time
  • Carry them along during trips, on car or train journeys, and have your kids repeat the affirmative.

iGROWco Sprouts affirmation cards are kid-friendly, captivating, and durable. The cards come in a gorgeous cotton drawstring bag, which comprises 63 cards in total. The iGROWco Sprouts affirmation cards are a proven, effective, and unique tool for fostering emotional wellbeing in children.